Data integration use cases

Too many companies have piles of data but have no idea how to integrate it into their processes and everyday business.


2/24/20241 min read

Ultimately, data integration breaks down your data silos and allows you to analyze and act upon a reliable, single source of governed data you can trust. Organizations are flooded by large and complex datasets from many different and unconnected sources—ad platforms, CRM systems, marketing automation, web analytics, financial systems, partner data, even real time sources and IoT. And unless analysts or data engineers spend countless hours preparing data for each report, all this information can’t be tied together to provide a complete picture of your business.

Integration provides a reliable, single source of governed data that’s complete, accurate, and up-to-date. This allows analysts, data scientists and businesspeople to use BI and analytics tools to explore and analyze the full dataset to identify patterns, and then come away with actionable insights that improve performance.

Here are three key benefits:

Increased accuracy and trust: You and other stakeholders can stop wondering which KPI from which tool is correct or whether certain data has been included. You can also have far fewer errors and rework. Integration provides a reliable, single source of accurate, governed data you can trust: “one source of truth”.

More data-driven & collaborative decision-making: Users from across your organization are far more likely to engage in analysis once raw data and data silos have been transformed into accessible, analytics-ready information. They’re also more likely to collaborate across departments since the data from every part of the enterprise is combined and they can clearly see how their activities impact each other.

Increased efficiency: Analyst, development and IT teams can focus on more strategic initiatives when their time isn’t taken up manually gathering and preparing data or building one-off connections and custom reports.

Data integration is the process of combining data from different sources in order to provide a unified view. This can involve bringing together data from various databases, applications, and systems to create a more complete and accurate picture. By integrating data, organizations can improve their decision-making processes, gain new insights, and streamline their operations. It can also help to ensure that data is consistent and up-to-date across the organization. Data integration is a critical component of any modern business, as it allows companies to leverage their data more effectively and make better-informed decisions. Overall, data integration is essential for maximizing the value of an organization's data assets and driving business success.

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